Love, Loss and What I Wore

I mended my new (old) dress. I plan to wear it tomorrow for the first time. 

My cousin gave it to me. 

It’s sleeveless, sheer, cream colored. It has a belt at the gathered waist. The skirt isn’t full, but it has more fabric than a straight skirt. It has a leafy embroidered pattern around the skirt. It buttons down the front. 

It’s beautiful. 

My cousin found it in our grandmother’s closet. When she asked about it, Grandma gave it to her. Now she’s passed it to me. 

I am at my smallest in decades. Probably a size 3 to 5. 

The dress doesn’t have a size, but if I were any bigger, it would be a challenge to wear it. 
It’s a simple summer dress, but it’s beautiful. 

I’m going to wear it tomorrow: D Day. 

My cousin said it’s like Love, Loss and What I Wore, a play that I really enjoyed being a part of. 

That’s the perfect analogy. It’s all about love and loss. And now I have the perfect thing to wear. 

Thanks, Agusta. And Grandma, too. Love to you both. 


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