Some like it hot

I love summer. I love the colors, the smells, the sensations. I love the heat. 

I spend all winter freezing. I complain about the cold and snow. I figure I can’t complain about the heat. (That doesn’t stop everyone else, though.) I don’t mind the heat. 

Growing up, we didn’t have air conditioning. You had fans that you turned in overnight and out during the day. 

My college dorms and first couple of apartments didn’t have air. That was OK. We had AC at our first rental in Rapids, but when we bought our house, it had hot water heat — and no AC. Instead, my dad helped customize room air conditioners in the bedroom windows. We’d run them as needed. I will admit it’s nicer to sleep when it’s a little cooler. 

I should state I’m not a fan of air conditioning. I turned it on at work this week when it was 81 inside. Within a half hour, I had on my sweater. It’s too cold for me. I run it a little in the car, but I’m more likely to have it on low or crack the windows on the passenger side to get a nice draw through on my side. 

So I wasn’t worried that the place I’m staying doesn’t have AC. What I didn’t realize was it also lacks screens on most windows. 

We got a heat wave to kick off the summer. We are in the 90s for several days in a row. I found a couple box fans, and they are moving the air in and out in the windows with screens. It’s working. 

And because it’s just me here, I can walk around in a camisole and undies. That’s what I’m wearing right now as I write this. I’m sorry — or you’re welcome — for that mental image. I’m quite comfortable. 

I would not want to be out working in the heat. I got up early to do my cleaning and biking before it hit 80 degrees. I feel for anyone who has to spend time working in it. I’m fortunate in that regard. I just get to enjoy it. 

Bring on the heat!


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