The need for speed

I think I want to learn to fly because of the speed involved — or at least perceived speed. 

I got an introductory flight lesson a few years ago. (Best anniversary gift I ever received.) It was in a tiny plane at the local airport. At takeoff, we were going about 55 mph. It sure felt faster. 

I like going fast (well, for me) on my bike because it feels like flying. 

I’ve had two car rides already this season with the wind in my hair from having the top down. Even though it tangles it, it’s a cool feeling to have the wind whip around you. 

Maybe I’d like a motorcycle. Except I’d be safety-conscious enough to wear a helmet, which negates the wind-in-hair feeling. 

Maybe I’ll have to water ski this summer or finally try wake boarding. That’s always a feeling of going fast across the water’s surface. Just being in the boat (going fast, of course) is freeing. 

Ah, the need for speed. Where will it take me?


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