Nature’s green

It’s so green. 

We’ve gone past the bright yellowy green of spring, when the color is so vivid it can hurt your eyes. 

We are into summer green — when  every growing thing is lush and full. The leaves, grass, flowers and plants are at their peak. There’s no drought or damage yet. No late or early frost. No sun, wind or hail damage. Even thunderstorms have been mild. 

Driving or biking through wooded areas is a treat. The hue of summer’s green encapsulates you. Backed by a bright blue sky, it’s brilliantly beautiful. 

Come August, the leaves will begin to be touched by autumn’s gold, the green paling in the waning days. 

But until then, summer’s green will reign in all its gorgeous glory. 


  1. High Summer. That is my term for that dark, perfect green of June. By the end of July you start seeing some slight tinges of gold in the leaves. But June--June is all perfect dark green at it finest.

  2. It’s just the slightest change in color, but I notice it too. You surely look forward to it, loving fall as you do. I dread it. It’s a sign of the fall, which is followed closely by winter.

    I’m pretty sure I won’t miss winter.


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