The Longest Day

Today, June 21, the summer solstice, is the longest day. From here on, the days will get shorter. 

Doesn’t seem fair, does it?

June 21 marks the first day of true summer — although we’ve been enjoying summer weather for many weeks now. 

The Alzheimer’s Association ( uses June 21 — the longest day — as a way to raise awareness and money for the cause. The Association encourages people to do what they love on the longest day — bake, walk, paint, Zumba, sing. 

I knew I wanted to bike. Because it’s also the Great Cycle Challenge (  for childhood cancer treatment, I need the miles to reach my goal. But each time I get on the bike, I also turn on Charity Miles ( to support the Alzheimer’s Association. Every little bit helps. 

The Association website explains that the longest day is about love. 

I’m fortunate that I got to do lots of things I love today. Besides biking I got to: 
Support the United Way with dinner at Salt N Pepa’s Drive-In 
Support the community and local restaurants at Lunch by the River
Eat some tasty if unhealthy food
Enjoy a glass of wine while sitting outside
Enjoy views of Lake Wazeecha and the Wisconsin River
Spend time with people I enjoy
Write this blog 

How did you spend the longest day? I hope you were able to do something you love, too. 


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