Wine in a can

Wine in a can?

Yes, it’s a real thing. My friends and I used to joke about such a thing. My son found some and had to buy it. Which is how I came into possession of a can of uh, wine. 

I assume it’s meant to be an easy way to take wine with you — like you’d take beer in cans, to the park or camping or something. 

I bought a water bottle more than a year ago called the “winebago.” It purportedly can hold a bottle of wine. Surprisingly, I’ve never tested that claim. I’ve only ever put water in it. I assumed you’d put wine in it if you were hiking or picnicking and didn’t want to carry glass. You still are carting a heavy metal bottle, though. 

A can holds two glasses, and you don’t technically need a glass, although I can’t bring myself to drink it straight from the can at home. 

So maybe the wine in a can isn’t so odd after all.

And it’s not bad. It’s not good, but it’s drinkable. I’ve always said, I never met a Pinot noir I didn’t like. 

But it still sounds weird: wine in a can. 


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