
I don't feel brave. Most of the time I feel pretty pathetic. I question myself constantly as to what I'm doing and why.

But I feel compelled to do it. It's like I have no choice.

I wish I could get back to the feeling that I had when I graduated from high school. I remember sitting through graduation, at the end of the row, the girl next to me bawled the entire time. She was somewhat of a sporto, and I didn't know her super well. But I had a big shit-eating grin on my face. 

"Aren't you sad?" she asked. 

"No," I answered. "I'm getting out of here, and I'm never coming back."

Later, I learned to never say never. 

I spent nearly 30 years back in Rapids, a stone's throw from Nekoosa, where I went to school. 

I was so happy to be going. 

I was so naive. 

Now I have a second chance. And I'm terrified. 

What if I fail? What if I'm miserable? What if I can't do it?

 I'm in such a sweet spot, and yet the ensuing years have taken their toll. I can't just look at it as a good thing. I've had too many years of too much negative stuff. 

I think that's why I keep telling people about it. The more who know my plans, the more compelled I am to complete them successfully. Even more devastating than personal failure is public failure. I simply can't fall apart, because too many people are watching. 

So even though I don't feel brave or even slightly capable, I have no choice. I have to go. 


  1. Life is a road with all sorts of turns. Taking a turn not planned is an "adventure" and not failure. No matter what road you take, just enjoy the journey and remember that now YOU are in the driver's seat and the trip is just what you make it. No failure, just bumps in this road we call life. Love you my brave darling daughter.

    1. Thank you, as always, for your love and support. I appreciate it.


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