It's sold. 
I held the check in my hand, marveling that it had come to that. 

And then I cashed it. Well, deposited it. 
I told a friend it represents freedom. He warned me not to spend my freedom too fast. 

Of course, most of it's already spent, to pay the debts we owe so I can walk away clean. That's the freedom I crave. No debt. Nothing owed or borrowed. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting closer. 

It's hard starting over at mid-life. Under normal circumstances, I'd be content to slide toward retirement, putter around the house, maybe take up a new hobby in my empty nest. 

These aren't normal circumstances. I'm not a normal person. I'm not sure who I am, but I'm pleased I have the freedom to find out. 

And the house sale is a great leap toward that. One chapter closes, and another begins. 


  1. You are a rock star. You've got this!

  2. You ARE a rockstar! And while I won’t be there, I’ll be with you in spirit, and always ready to hear about the next adventure!!

    1. Damn, girl. I’m gonna miss seeing you. You’ve been such a force for me. Fortunately, technology will let us stay in touch even separated by miles. We coffee. We wine. We Nora.


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