Goodbye, winter

The last time I wore my winter coat, at American
Players Theatre in Spring Green. The high was 52 with rain.
Sept. 30, 2018
I got rid of my winter coat.
It was the last thing I gave away. I folded it in quarters, drove up to Goodwill, got out and handed it over to the young man who opened the door.
“Do you want a receipt?” he asked. I shook my head. “No, thank you.” I smiled. I got back in the car and drove away with a grin on my face.
Do you know how good it feels to give away your winter coat?
To be fair, if I was staying in Wisconsin, I’d get a new one. I recently wore it to an outdoor theater performance, and I realized it’s pretty baggy on me. I’ve had it for a number of years. It was a nice coat.
But where I’m at, I don’t need it.
I left Wisconsin and drove into summer. I left my sweater in the car when I stopped for lunch and it was 80. It was 91 in Indiana when I stopped for gas. I stripped off my tights in the car before I got out to put in gas. I’m back in my summer dresses and sandals. The air conditioning runs occasionally to keep it 75 in the house. There are a few leaves starting to turn, but it’s still mostly green.
I can’t tell you how good it feels to be here where I know winter won’t be as long or as cold.
I’ve never been a fan of the cold. I decided a number of years ago I could either complain about the heat or the cold – but not both. So, I take the heat when I can get it and hate the cold. I don’t like shoveling, wearing layers or being cold all the time. I don’t like cold cars (I was thrilled with my remote start just for winter warm-ups!). I don’t like wind chills. I hate being cooped up inside a cold house because it’s too cold to go outside. I don’t like having to give up biking at 50 degrees because it’s too cold to ride. Heck, I don’t even like cold showers – no matter how hot I am.
So it was with more than a bit of glee that I willingly gave my winter coat away. I’m so glad I won’t need it.


  1. Hey you!! Did you forget your are coming home for Thanksgiving or Christmas? But I guess you can wear one of your sister's coats, or buy a new one. :) Glad you and Pixel are buddies. Keep us posted what happens when Teddie gets back!


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