Moving of a different sort

Labyrinth at Stevens Point Sculpture Park 
I needed to move today. 

Under different circumstances, I might have gone biking, despite the high temp of 52. 

But it wasn't a good day for that. 

So this afternoon, I went to the Stevens Point Sculpture Park. It was my first visit. I enjoyed seeing the artwork. I took a couple little paths through the woods. I took a few photos. 
But it was barely more than a mile. And I still wanted to move. 

So I headed over to Schmeekle Reserve and did the mile loop around Lake Joanis. It was windier, and therefore felt colder.

A friend told me geese flock around the island in the fall. There were about a dozen when I started my walk, but they left noisily. Halfway around, three landed, followed soon after by eight more. I watched them come in to land, honking, wings spread, feet splayed, splashing on touchdown. 
Trees reflected in Lake Joanis
It sounded like fall. 

And it looked like fall. 

I wish it was sunny. That would have made the colors really pop. 

But it's Wisconsin, and we take what we get. 

So I took my fall walks and enjoyed moving my feet, lost in my thoughts. Soon, I'll move all of me, and Wisconsin will be a place where I was from. Like I said, I needed to move. 


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