Launching a website
My new pretty red iPhone XR in its new case. I didn't get to spend as much time with it as I wanted. |
I applied for a job, and ended up reworking my resume in the process. I started building a website for myself. And I got my new iPhone today.
The iPhone was surprise. I wasn’t expecting it for a couple of days. I got a message this morning, though, that said it would arrive today. Of course, I had to spend some time setting it up and checking it out. I hope I will be able to port over my phone number. That's a project for tomorrow.
The website wasn’t planned, either. I have several job boards that I go to beach day. One of them, features jobs for remote workers. It’s a new website started by Matt Tran of Engineered Truth fame. I wound up on his YouTube page today, and I watched a video about the top four remote jobs in 2018 that pay well and don't require a degree. Granted, the year is almost over, but I thought it might still be relevant.
Copy writing makes the list. It had the lowest average yearly income though, at $77,000. Ahem. That would not be a pay cut for me.
There are a lot of freelance copy writing jobs. Many are very specific. You need to know about law, medical terminology, marketing analytics or technology, for example. And many don't pay very well. But still, they are out there. And, if you have copy writers, you really should have copy editors. At least that’s my thinking. And that's the job I want.
So I wound up, randomly (or was it?), watching another video by Matt. This one was about the three things you need to do in order to get whatever job you want.
Fits my bill right now, doesn’t it?
So, what are the three things that you should be doing to get the job you want?Video cover letters. Yup, that’s a thing, apparently. He gave some tips on how to record one nicely. You should do a fresh one for each one of the jobs for which you apply. And as he said, by the time you get your 50th one, you’ll be really comfortable doing it.
Get a website. Get an honest-to-goodness one that's all yours. He said it’s only about the top 1 percent who actually take the time to put their portfolio and materials on a website. So I did a little digging and realized it wasn’t going to cost me that much to have a website set up. I’m pretty sure I can write it off as a business expense, too.
The third thing is you have to be likable. He suggested a website where you can take classes to learn to be a more likable person. Who knew? I do think, generally, I am a likable person. At least I can pretend to be one, thanks to my acting skills. No, seriously, I think I probably have that part well in hand.
So I found a comparison of best options for creating a website that would hold my portfolio and a blog, and I made my choice to go with WordPress, which I’m already somewhat familiar with. I set up my Bluehost account, got a good rate with a three-year deal and started down that rabbit hole.
Fortunately, my sister is an expert in it. So, if I have any big problems or concerns, she’s just in the next room to help.
I’ve got more work to do and that, and, of course, time is of the essence. I don’t necessarily want to apply for any more jobs without it in place. I will probably build it as I go and grow.
Maybe I’ll just start my own business, now that I've got a website, except then I’d have to market myself. And I don’t think I have enough hours in the day, especially if they are anything like this day.
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